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Care Escape

Can you care for a monster that is trying to eat you? · By toizeito


Recent updates

9/24 -10/17
I've kept you guys in the dark for a little bit so let's see what has changed. 9/24/18 Added area to the light button and set it to layer 2. I noticed that the...
2 files
Care Escape 9/17 - 9/23
9/17/18 Working on making the room bigger, saved the material used so it can be reused. Added collision walls to room, and a collision area to player. Figured o...
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Care Escape ​9/10 to 9/16 update
9/10/18 -9/16/18 9/10/18 Set up a scene for the first area and wrote code inside the master script to initialize the scene in the function that fires just befor...
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Care Escape 9/6 to 9/9 update
9/6/18 to 9/9/18 update 9/6/18 So after the floaters were made so that they would drift around and change direction when they are off screen, they also can chan...
1 file
Care Escape
Devlogs Foreward -9/5/18 Hello, so I am about to work on Care Escape for the scare me shakeless jam. Care Escape is my first 3d game in the godot engine. The t...
1 file

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